Every day, people facing criminal charges encounter challenges which can rapidly escalate to become life-altering problems. These challenges are more safely, easily, and efficiently resolved through early intervention.
years of incarceration
Our team has saved individuals an estimated 5,000 years of incarceration, yielding tens of millions of dollars in potential taxpayer savings
Over 15,000 people connected with social services, supported in telling their stories, and aided in coming home every year.
We envision a world where the legal system reflects the humanity, complexity, and potential of those who experience it and its outcomes ensure the opportunity to move forward with one's future intact.
Partners for Justice provides collaborative support services to people facing criminal charges, while helping public defenders protect people from incarceration and other criminal penalties.
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We embed specialty-trained teams within public defender offices to meet housing, employment, educational, health and mental health needs for clients.
We build capacity for public defender offices through resources and collaboration.
We create and distribute resources to public defender offices in our network.
Alice is the sole caregiver to her elderly parents, who are in poor health. It's been hard for her to meet all of their needs. Due to a criminal charge, she lost her job in the midst of the pandemic. She resorted to selling personal belongings to pay her bills.
Alice's Advocate made a successful case for her to get emergency relief for rent payments and other essentials. The Advocate connected her with benefits to ensure she had food and necessities. Alice also secured a job interview after her Advocate helped her with the application. All these positive developments will work in her favor as her case proceeds through the court, maximizing the chance that Alice will be able to move forward without a criminal record.
Learn more about becoming an Advocate ›Partners for Justice works closely with leaders in the field of public defense and access to justice, both nationally and in our local programs with public defender offices across the country. Our goal is to augment existing systems to better support people facing criminal charges.
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