Tatiana Ziff

Tatiana Ziff is PFJ’s Communications and Research Fellow. She assists both the Development and Communications teams in writing grants, researching new projects, and amplifying PFJ's work across the country.

Tati believes that our criminal legal system too often fails to deliver just outcomes, and that all people deserve to be treated with dignity and compassion. Tati recently graduated with a B.A. in Political Science from Columbia University, where she was elected to Phi Beta Kappa and was Co-Captain of the Women's Tennis Team. She previously worked on the Homicide Defense Task Force at the Legal Aid Society in New York as an investigative intern. There, she helped attorneys attain better outcomes for accused clients by conducting field interviews and organizing evidence from discovery for trial. She has also worked for a nonprofit educational software organization, a district attorney campaign, and as a volunteer tutor. In her free time, Tati enjoys being outdoors on hikes and runs, making elaborate salads, and listening to music (preferably Taylor Swift.)

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