The American Punishment System is Destroying Trust in Government

Simple neighborhood designs can do more for public safety
Read the ReportOur system isn't helping kids--it's putting parents in prison.
Read the ReportAcross the US, cities, counties, and some states are re-evaluating the use of cash bail.
Read the ReportIt is critical that Americans also acknowledge that powerful institutions inflict violence on people presumed innocent under the law every day. As it stands, the system is directly at odds with the idea that Americans are “innocent until proven guilty”, inflicting severe and traumatizing punishment long before a person sees a jury of their peers.
Read the ReportWe must confront the fact that we cannot empty our prisons and jails without addressing the influx of people pushed through community supervision into incarceration.
Read the ReportAccess to public benefits may be an under-appreciated public safety mechanism. When people are able to pay their rent, support their families, not go hungry, have a roof over their heads, and have access to healthcare, they are less likely to engage in crime.
Read the ReportIn its current form, the American carceral system robs people of opportunity, tears families apart, and destabilizes entire communities. Unlike police, prisons, and prosecutors, public defenders are uniquely situated to empower those facing the criminal legal system, shrink the system itself by reducing incarceration, and transform our approach to public safety.
Read the ReportThe first step to reducing homelessness might be reducing arrests.
Read the Report